Never Crush a Little Dream

Handing in Resignation Letter

A little idea for a little side hustle turned into an opportunity to hand in my resignation letter and taught a lesson in the big value of pursuing little dreams.

Where’s My Battle Unicorn?

A rhinoceros stands on dry ground with a snow-capped mountain in the background under a blue sky.

How terrifying would the field of battle have been thousands of years ago if warriors had battle unicorns or armored rhinos?

Am I a Writer Yet?

A young girl wearing glasses sits at a desk with a laptop, books, and an apple in front of a chalkboard, appearing focused and thoughtful as she ponders imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome hassles and annoys not only people trying to do something in life, but also folks who the rest of the world might say have already “made it.”

How Many Layers Are Your Masks?

Person in a top hat with Day of the Dead style face paint, featuring intricate designs and bright colors, looking to the side.

We all wear masks and paint layer upon layer on them. Is today the day that you examine whether your masks are holding you back?