Good Good Friday Hiking

The foothills here in the Colorado Rocky Mountains are melting off and drying up.  On Good Friday, my friend Mike and I headed up to Lyons, CO to Hall Ranch to do a little hiking and take some pictures.  I can’t think of a better way to spend a Friday than hiking in the Rockies!

We headed up Nighthawk Trail, and as always, the deer were plentiful.

Deer at Hall Ranch

At the top of Nighthawk is a huge meadow with a pile of boulders.

Boulders at Top of Nighthawk Trail

We climbed onto the boulders to take a break, eat a little snack, and see if we could get some good pictures of the views.

Me Taking Some Pics

I was not disappointed with a couple of my shots.

Longs Peak

Longs Peak

On the way down, we found a few wildflowers that were eager to have their pictures taken.



Here’s the link to my photos from this hike –

All in all, it was a very good Good Friday!