My Cover is Almost Finalized

As I race to getting my first novel published, I’ve struggled with getting the cover completed. Like many indie authors do, I ran a contest on It’s a great way to get a bunch of different options, but it can be a little frustrating. Some of the designers really miss on what you are looking for, and some hit it close to the mark.

The misses are easy. Simply eliminate them. Selecting from the good ones can be challenging, but what a good problem to have! However, Murphy’s law is bound to strike. My absolute favorite design was from someone who struggled with English. We went back and forth and back and forth. Finally we reached a point where I could take it over and move toward the finish line with my limited Photoshop skills.

I know that I will need to make some final tweaks, but here are the front and back covers of The Betrayal of Ka!

Book Cover sv2

Book Cover Backv3b